ZNS-5A-frame dehydration apparatus
ZNS-5A-frame dehydration apparatus

ZNS-5A-frame dehydration apparatus




product details


ZNS-5A-frame dehydration apparatus 
This type of pressure filtration device is the rated working pressure 0.69MPa, the effective area of law 45.6cm ², cup capacity 350ml of fluid filtration device. Using the API standard drilling fluid cup, with pump gas source. Can also choose low-pressure manifold (optional component), the use nitrogen gas source bottle to do in the lab use. 
Dimensions: 20 * 24 * 53cm Weight: 12kg 
Lost in the pressure filtration device 
Model: ZNS-5A 
Effective filtration area of 45.6cm ² working pressure 0.69MPa 
350ml cup drilling fluid injection rate limit pressure 1MPa Cup

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